2010 - 2024 © IRINA CONN


Project description

The main design goal for our application was to design a system which can provide assistance to the user in completing a specific task of identifying any produce which the user cannot recognize and also notifying the user about the status of the specific produce. We identified this issue faced by some people in real life. The idea was to tackle this problem and help the user to  complete their task and overcome this problem. For this we identified smartphone as the best medium to deliver a solution for the underlying problem. Another issue we identified was users from different countries coming from different cultures and different native languages often tend to get confused with the name of produce in various languages. We decided to design a solution for this problem and incorporate this in our system. The design goal for the project also identifies this issue and proceeded with understanding the problems to solve them in a better way.

Main goals for the study include these: Identity tool to help you identify local names of fruits and vegetables and able to translate them in other languages.

Project details

  • Client: Graduate School Project
  • Category: UI Design